Reaction to MILK

I just saw MILK again.
I don’t know what to say.
I’m completely numb.
Utterly out of sync with reality.

This movie should be required viewing.
History books, you have a lot of wrongs to make right.

Harvey, where were you when I took U.S. History?

The s(l)aying goes:
“Those who don’t learn from history
are doomed. . .”
but what happens to those who steal,
erase, and deny?

Those who don’t learn from history,
those who don’t learn from his story,
those who don’t learn,
those who don’t,
learn from his story,
don’t learn history.


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Some days you wake up and immediately start to worry. Nothing in particular is wrong it's just the suspicion that forces are aligning quietly and there will be trouble.

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