An Unreliable Mind

As I sit here on vacation in Tenerife one of the largest islands in the Canary Islands I can't fight the urge to write. I've decided that I would honor the bloggersphere with my presence. Honestly, I'm not that vain but have decided that it's time to share my writing, ideas, and down right insanity with the rest of the wide world. So this is a hello and welcome to the ideas of an unreliable mind. I titled the blog an unreliable mind because we are all partially insane. All humans omit and heighten details in their lives to make it all make sense or to make it all feel right. Presented henceforth are my omissions, my heightened events, and the details that make my life make sense. My sole purpose in sharing this with others is to connect you with your own creative voice and to make you aware of your own omissions, heightened events, and details. Enjoy!


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Some days you wake up and immediately start to worry. Nothing in particular is wrong it's just the suspicion that forces are aligning quietly and there will be trouble.

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