Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle.

Waiting around for my parents has sent me into an introspective survey of the way I am. I want to share facts about myself in the way made famous by Facebook. The 25 facts blurb. Here I am:

1. I own close to 100 if not more musical soundtracks. That says A LOT about myself.

2. I have an extreme fear of the ordinary. I want my life to be exciting, to mean something. I don't know what I'll do with myself if I look back at my life and nothing extraordinary has happened.

3. I think I'm funny. I enjoy the things I say. Is this vain? Possibly Do I care? Hell no.

4. I am a very emotional person in regards to the arts. For example, I can go plenty of funerals without crying. However, I can't sit through the song "Flesh Failures" from HAIR without weeping like a cry-baby. Check the song out...hopefully you'll be crying too and that will make me happy. Schadenfreude eh?

5. I don't think I'm getting anything from college that I did not already know.

6. I have a crush on EVERYONE!

7. I would take sweets over the best meal in the world.

8. There's a fear in the back of my head that I'll never find "the one". But like wayyyy waayyyyy back in my head.

9. "The Final Countdown" never seizes to amaze me. I bet it's probably stuck in your head!

10. People who write meaningless Facebook statuses are a nuisance to me. I don't care about your day..spice it up and say something worthwhile, something that will make me smile. Now those people are the ones that interest me. Not "So and so: _________ insert moronic complaint"

11. I usually never laugh the same way. All the ways are a tad obnoxious, silly, and childish. I also snort a lot.

12. I've never been more proud to be a gay man. However, I'm still coming to terms with certain members of the gay community. I think to move beyond the stereo-types people have of us we have to make a conscious effort to be superior. I see a lot of homosexuals striving for superiority in our country and that excites me. I hope more gays are empowered during these coming years of gay rights liberation to change the way we've been seen in the past and change the country and the world.

13. I usually check out bands people tell me and download the entire CD. I need to get better at actually listening to the music. I have soo many gb of music and I hardly listen to most of it. Time to expand. But electronic music is what's in for me right now. Loving: M83, Justice, Passion Pit and many others. Good time for music.

14. My mother is my idol

15. I want to grow old in Connecticut. In a large house with many gardens. I want to be surrounded by books and by children/grandchildren constantly visiting. I want to teach somewhere where students find it an honor to hear me speak. I want to leave my mark in the world before I leave it.

16. I think Kristin Bottary is going to be an amazing artist. She's one of those friends I'd really like to keep forever. She's sooooo talented. She certainly comes to mind when I think about people whose craft I truly respect.

17. I've finally decided it's time to lose weight. Not for anyone, for myself. Not for vanity because I'm perfectly comfortable with myself. However, it's time to shed this skin I've been living in for sooo long. Time to begin anew and to change the way I live, work, eat.

18. I've always promised myself that nothing would ever hold me back. It's working so far. Here's hoping for the future.

19. I've learned to never be envious of anyone else. We've all got our own gifts. Like Dorian Corey said "If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high...hooray for you!"

20. Even though they were horrible to the people around them I think Jerome Robbins and Arthur Laurents are two amazing figures in American Theatre.

21. I've come to enjoy really trashy television. It's rather hysterical. Examples: Charm School, I Love Money, etc.

22. I'm 19 about to turn 20 and have never had a pair of shoes I truly liked.

23. I have two favorite Overtures....Candide and South Pacific.

24. Really simple things give me great joy. Example: Ichatting with Leanne P. when she looks her best ;)

25. Red wine > White Wine. Always.


Oley May 18, 2009 at 11:28 AM  

Noel Rodriguez.

I LOVE your laugh.

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