Pity Party of 1

Allow me to have my drunken, self-indulgent, pity-me moment:

so much of my work is about being single and dating.

let’s just skip to the end:
i never meet him.

he doesn’t come.

i am the opposite of the fairy tale.

i turn princes into frogs.

Media Distinction

Gay men don’t have periods,
we have commas,
which explains why so many of us are bent (and)
out of shape.

We have commas—
straight lines
gone awry,
swerves and curves that give people

We are breaths
taken mid-sentence;
misplaced, overused, and abused by schoolboys;
signifiers that connect the seemingly disjointed.

Some days you wake up and immediately start to worry. Nothing in particular is wrong it's just the suspicion that forces are aligning quietly and there will be trouble.

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